I do not know if I wanted to change my apartment because I effectively changed my apartment God I love the uevo place that I found the true deserved and look great I hope they continue supporting me and accompanying in this beautiful process I will be showing you little by little the shirts and photos in the place so that we know it and give me their opinion
You listened to that saying that we work and do not enjoy because today I will enjoy a little I never leave home and today I want to go in a couple of and rest a little
My beginning of the week was very good thanks Hehehe I woke up very early I couldn't and just a pen
What I do not like about a boy who becomes stressful and very intense I like the boys who enjoy those who are not very important toxic those who despite everything look for a solution to the problems I do not like cowards that everything wants everything to be solved by a girl
Boys today I feel a little sad because I did not where they were all known very good people here I did not see them again that makes me a little sad to know that they forgot about their best hehehehe girl
Good morning guys today I feel very happy because it's Friday and I love to spend weekends with you when you rest more work and I love that I wait very well and happy today and enjoy this day together of this day
Boys who think of the tattoos remember that I told them that I would tattoo because it hurt a lot cry a lot hahaha because God was painful but I look very good and look at it I wait for you
Today I will tattoo the arm covering my first tattoo I was not very nice but this will be a very good job I am happy and nervous that you recommend me so that I do not hurt love I will also get two others in total
I would love to know many fetish boys who have the most crazy fetishes around the world will be a very great and different conversation I love so if you have very strange fetishes tell them all I like to cultivate and learn much more
Boys soon I will change my house I am excited but stressed because I don't find something nice Hehee I love that the finishes and things are very nice I do not know but I think it is an obsession addiction
Today I will have a very important trip which I will meet many people in the industry will learn more about this world and sell my learning
To whom this happens there are days in which you feel happy and you do not know why others you feel like a stranger and you do not know why oh unpleasantly not as
I did a nice change of look yesterday Wednesday of my break that I did not rest it was a long 11 -hour job but it was worth all the pain I really liked the result I could not in the headache Ero this great this great we endure things and people and people Worst in Life Lol ??-??-?
I am happy and emoties for the second time I am nominated to participate in the great contest of sanvalen
My very varied musica styles depends on my mood status, it will be my music but I love to hear new styles with your DJ for a day and know your musical culture would be great Pop ,Latina.Rock,Metal,etc
Being a model and learned a lot of things but what I recognize is the value and the trained value of knowing
My Moto Esmi Aventura companion I love every day I sentence in it and lead to anywhere is satisfactory and more if day by day we propose goals and lassos cumplimos
It was an excellent month. I would like to know why in January you guys take so much distance.
Guys, what are the strangest things that excite you? I want to know, please tell me what your tastes, weaknesses and preferences are, I'm very curious today hehhee ??
Many different things are being prepared for this new and great year. I will be telling you day by day about the changes I will make yesterday. I changed rooms. I will do some remodeling but it will look great. I know you will like it. Well, I hope I like it. Your opinion is. very important for me to improve every day as a model ok don't be shy and talk to me
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